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Democracy Thrives at Turner Free Library

Lawns signs in front of the Turner Free Library with the messages "Fredome to Live," "Freedom of Love," and "Visualize, Democratize, Vocalize #forfreedoms"
#forfreedoms signs on the Turner Free Library's lawn.

Bullying, Gun Violence, Racism. These are some of the political concerns that Randolph youths feel deserve more consideration at the local and national level. In October, Turner Free Library partnered with the national For Freedoms media campaign to shine a light on these topics. Currently, the lawn of the Turner Free Library is speckled with dozens of For Freedom lawn signs that explicitly address these concerns. For Freedoms “is a platform for greater participation in the arts and in civil society” and “advocate for inclusive civic participation.”

Given that teen and tweens cannot vote, the library wanted to ensure that they are given the opportunity to share their voices with the larger community. While creating these visually stunning signs, Randolph’s teens and tweens felt empowered to share their unique perspectives with their community. Library Director Elizabeth LaRosee maintains that “each sign tells a distinct and moving story about the passion that motivates and inspires Randolph’s youth.”



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