2 North Main Street
Randolph, MA 02368
Innovate. Discover. Connect.
Borrow Technology, Gadgets, Games, & More
The Turner Free Library has technology, gadgets, board games, and more that you can borrow and use at home!
Proper Use and Liability: In consideration of being permitted to borrow tools and equipment, the borrower agree to release and indemnify and hold harmless the Turner Free Library and the Town of Randolph, its officers, agents, and employees from any and all liability, loss, claims, and demands, actions or causes of action for the death or injury to any persons and/or for any property damage of any nature suffered or incurred by any person which arises or may arise or be occasioned in any way from the use of tools and equipment borrowed from the Turner Free Library. As with all Library materials, the borrower is responsible for the item and will be billed for reasonable replacement costs associated with damage, or loss of items. Neither the Turner Free Library or the Town of Randolph are not responsible for any costs incurred or damage to personal equipment while borrowers use items from the Library.

Coming soon!